

Senior Consultant Strategy Development and Resource Mobilisation in the Arab States

Issue Date 10 Jan 2017 Closing Date 15 Feb 2017
Grade CONSULTANT Post Duration
Duty Station Home-based Organizational Unit
Job Opening

The Land and GLTN Unit, located within the Urban Legislation, Land and Governance (ULLG) Branch of UN-Habitat, is mandated to develop, test and disseminate pro-poor and gender responsive land tools and approaches within the continuum of land rights framework. Established in 2006, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), is a growing coalition of 75 international partners concerned with rural and urban land issues, working together to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development through promoting secure land and property rights for all, demonstrated through country-level interventions.

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Senior Consultant Strategy Development and Resource Mobilisation in the Arab States


45 days over a period of 6 months (with possibility of extension)


P5 equivalent


15th February 2017

The Land and GLTN Unit, located within the Urban Legislation, Land and Governance (ULLG) Branch of UN-Habitat, is mandated to develop, test and disseminate pro-poor and gender responsive land tools and approaches within the continuum of land rights framework. Established in 2006, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), is a growing coalition of 75 international partners concerned with rural and urban land issues, working together to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development through promoting secure land and property rights for all, demonstrated through country-level interventions.
In the past two years, GLTN has been expanding its work in the Arab States. The key aspects of the GLTN work in the Arab region include land governance, capacity development, knowledge management, regional cooperation, support to land projects implementation at country level and land sector coordination. In the context of the above, short, medium and long term activities are to be implemented in the region. In the short term, GLTN intends to: (1) establish a land governance network in the region; (2) Establish an e-platform to share information and knowledge among land governance stakeholders; (3) Organize an Arab Land Governance Conference; (4) Carry out land policy assessments in selected countries (5) Put in place a Framework for monitoring land and conflict. In the medium and long term actions, priority areas of intervention are, among others; capacity development, knowledge creation and sharing, advocacy, monitoring and the establishment of a regional land center. Land and conflict issues in the region are also a GLTN priority to be addressed.

The consultant will work under the overall leadership of the Land and GLTN Unit Leader and report to the Arab States focal point in the GLTN Secretariat, located in the Land and GLTN Unit of UN-Habitat. The consultant will closely collaborate with the UN-Habitat Regional Office for the Arab States, the country offices in the region and relevant partner organisations. The consultant will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Support the preparation of for the Arab States round table taking place at the World Bank Land and Poverty Conference 2017, in collaboration with GLTN and the WB. This will include the Development of a concept note, the identification and briefing of key speakers and partners attending the event, facilitating the discussions and briefing key partners and donors and the definition of follow up activities with the organisers of the event.
  2. Mobilise resources to implement land governance initiatives in the Arab States. This includes the development of a project proposal on land governance for the region, the identification of possible funding streams (donor mapping) and holding discussions with relevant donors and funding organisations;
  3. Provide inputs in the discussion around land governance in the Arab region, including the meeting of the core group of experts established in Amman in September 2016, the Arab Land Conference, and the writeshop on land tools implementation;
  4. Provide inputs for the development of a road map for capacity development and knowledge management in the Arab Region, in collaboration with the GLTN team and relevant partners;
  5. Support GLTN in the consolidation of data bases of organisations, experts, capacity development materials and other relevant resources for advancing the land governance agenda in the Arab region;


Professionalism: Knowledge and understanding of principles and approaches relevant to land, partnership and coordination.  Ability to identify issues, analyze and participate in the resolution of issues/problems. Ability to assist with data collection using various methods. Conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct independent research and analysis and summarize salient features including  familiarity with and experience in the use of various research sources, including electronic sources on the internet, intranet and other databases. 
Communication:  Speaks and writes clearly and effectively in both English and Arabic; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
Teamwork:  Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others.


Advanced education or degree in one of the following fields is required: urban development, international development, land administration and management, or urban planning. Relevant work experience in the above mentioned fields can be accepted in lieu of a degree.


  • A minimum of 25 years of work experience in international development, land governance and land administration.
  • Previous working experience with international development agencies at director level.
  • Previous working experience in designing and managing large land related project in developing countries
  • Demonstrated knowledge of the Arab region.


English and French are the working languages of the United Nations. For the post advertised, excellent proficiency in spoken and written English is required. 


  • Proficient in use of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • Ability to work to schedule, but where requested to be flexible with changes in timelines. 


Payments will be based on deliverables over the consultancy period. There are set remuneration rates for consultancies. The rate is determined by functions performed and experience of the consultant. The fees will be paid as per agreement. Where applicable, travel costs of the consultant (airplane ticket economy class), transfers, and daily allowance as per the UN rate is payable in addition to the daily fee.


Applications should include:
•    Cover memo (maximum 1 page)
•    CV in the PHP format, accessible through the INSPIRA website ( Please note, if using INSPIRA for the first time, you need to register in order to activate your account, which will allow you to log in and create a personal History Profile.
•    The PHP should be attached to the application as a PDF file.
•    Summary CV (maximum 2 pages), indicating the following information:
1.  Educational Background (incl. dates)
2.  Professional Experience (assignments, tasks, achievements, duration by years/ months)
3.  Other Experience and Expertise (e.g. Internships/ voluntary work, etc.)
4.  Expertise and preferences regarding location of potential assignments
5.  Expectations regarding remuneration
•    Cover memo (maximum 1 page)

Please also be advised that since April 15th 2010, applicants for consultancies must be part of the
UN-HABITAT e-Roster in order for their application to be considered. You can reach the e-Roster
through the following link:

All applications should be submitted to:
M/s. Josephine Ruria
P.O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Email: and cc

Deadline for applications:  15th February 2017

UN-HABITAT does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or  companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact: