Hargeisa Water Supply Situation: The current Hargeisa Municipal Water Supply (MWS) system was designed and constructed in the early 1970s, through assistance from the Government of China. It consists of the Geed Deeble wellfield (currently with 12 operational boreholes), a pumping and booster station, a 23 km long transmission pipeline, 2 water reservoirs, and a piped distribution system.
The current Hargeisa Municipal Water Supply (MWS) system was designed and constructed in the early 1970s, through assistance from the Government of China. It consists of the Geed Deeble wellfield (currently with 12 operational boreholes), a pumping and booster station, a 23 km long transmission pipeline, 2 water reservoirs, and a piped distribution system.
UN-Habitat Somalia is implementing the Federal Government of Somalia – United Nations Joint Programme on Youth Employment together with UNDP, FAO and ILO under the Peace and State Building Goal 4 “Economic Foundations”. The Joint Programme targets three outcomes:
UN-Habitat transformed the City Prosperity Index into a global initiative known as the City Prosperity Initiative. UN-Habitat’s City Prosperity Initiative (CPI) enables city authorities, as well as local and national stakeholders, to identify opportunities and potential areas of intervention for their cities to become more prosperous. Its composite index made of six dimensions serves to define targets and goals that can support the formulation of evidence-based policies, including the definition of city-visions and long-term plans that are both ambitious and measurable.
The CPI the... Read more
The Urban Economy Branch has the mandate to promote plans and provide support for more efficient, socially inclusive, better integrated and connected cities that foster sustainable urban development.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is at the centre of the Arab region, one of the world’s fastest urbanizing places, where countries grew by more than four times in the last 40 years and will more than double again by 2050. The current urban sprawl in most of KSA’s major metropolitan areas has led to tremendous challenges they accommodate these huge increases.
UN-HABITAT has the... Read more
The position is located in the Partners and Inter-Agency Coordination (PIAC) Branch, External Relations Division (ERD). The Branch provides strategic leadership and guidance to all partners; provides an organized framework of engagement with diverse partners; acts as a clearing house for Habitat Agenda Partners to participate in policy dialogues as well as normative and operational programmes, and manages the accreditation process; catalogues, categorizes and maintains a data base of Habitat Agenda Partners. It coordinates UN system-wide work on sustainable urbanization and human... Read more
The vacancies are located in the Finance and Budget Unit, Management and Operations Division, UN-HABITAT. With the implementation of Umoja, the individual contractor will assist in Grants management, preparation of reports and other finance matters.
The United Nations system is working toward HABITAT III, an agency wide event to decide the New Urban Agenda for the next two decades to take place in Quito, Ecuador in 2016. There are main conferences preparatory of policies and position toward HABITAT III. In the field of finance preparatory activities are underway toward the Conference on Financing for Development which must reflect on the mechanisms that will allow for the mobilization of funding necessary to promote sustainable local development, as well as to unlock the economic potential of urban areas and territories
UN-Habitat through the Global Land Tool Network and its partners is developing and implementing the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). STDM, as it stands, has the capacity to broaden the scope of land administration by providing a land information management framework that would integrate formal, informal and customary land systems and administrative and spatial components. STDM makes this possible through tools that facilitates recording all forms of land rights, all types of rights holders and all kinds of land and property objects/spatial units regardless of the level of formality.
Urbanization is strongly correlated with economic growth and development. Urbanization underpins one of the key drivers of national economic transformations. This however does not happen spontaneously. Cities and urban centres should be well planned and managed so that they become economic power houses that drive national economic development and offer growing opportunities to all citizens, especially young people and women. Economic growth should be steered in a manner that is inclusive and sustainable. Further, innovative revenue sources and financing mechanisms should be developed and... Read more
The position is located in the External Relations Division (ERD), Office of Executive Director and Management. The External Relations Division promotes strategic alliances to support achievement of the goals of adequate shelter for all, and sustainable urbanization and human settlements development. ERD assists to advance UN-Habitat image and relationships with its partners and the public at large, and to build and strengthen partnerships, facilitate policy impact and developmental change, and increase delivery of programmes.
Results-based management is a key management approach adopted for the achievement of UN-Habitat’s strategic plans for 2008-2013 and 2014-2019. Results-Based Management is central to the work of UN-Habitat, especially the key pillars of planning, monitoring and reporting, and evaluation. UN-Habitat like other UN agencies has been applying results-based management in planning, monitoring and evaluation at programme level since 2000 in line with SGB2000/8. To further help embed the culture of results, UN-Habitat has developed its first RBM handbook which will provide guidance on planning,... Read more
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the UN agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The Urban Economy Branch of UN-Habitat has the mandate to promote local capabilities of local governments to develop financial instruments to keep pace with the demands of rapid urbanization. The Urban Economy Branch has the mandate to promote plans and provide support for more efficient, socially inclusive,... Read more
The World Urban Campaign (WUC) is a global coalition of public, private and civil society partners seeking to raise the urban agenda to a new level. Coordinated by UN-Habitat, but owned and driven by a long list of committed partners, the WUC provides the necessary environment for collaboration. The WUC seeks to raise global awareness of sustainable urbanization and to facilitate more coherent strategies and actions by development partners working at the national and local levels.
The World Urban Campaign (WUC) is a global coalition of public, private and civil society partners seeking to raise the urban agenda to a new level. Coordinated by UN-Habitat, but owned and driven by a long list of committed partners, the WUC provides the necessary environment for collaboration. The WUC seeks to raise global awareness of sustainable urbanization and to facilitate more coherent strategies and actions by development partners working at the national and local levels.
Under the supervision of the Branch Coordinator, Urban Economy and Finance Branch of UN-Habitat, the consultant will be responsible for liaising with the relevant UN-Habitat administrative and substantive staff with direct connection to the project and coordinate with them to implement the tasks defined herein. The consultant will attend meetings between UN-Habitat with Kenya railway to advice on the matter with invitation.
The Urban Planning and Design Branch (UPDB) was created in December 2011 following the translation of the new UN-HABITAT priorities in seven new thematic branches. Urban planning and design is increasingly projected as one of the top priorities of the agency.
UN-Habitat through its Urban Economy Branch seeks to support the effort of local and national governments and their partners in tackling the complex challenges and opportunities of urban economy and municipal finance through a range of ways including advisory services, research and tools development, training and capacity building. These activities constitute Subprogram 3 of UN-HABITAT's six-year strategic plan 2014-2019, and the Urban Economy Branch is responsible to deliver them. The aim is to strengthen the capacities of cities to realize their full potential as drivers of economic... Read more
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the focal point for human settlements in the United Nations. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. This post is located in the Urban Planning and Design Branch (UPDB), City Planning, Extension and Design Unit (CPEDU) of UN-HABITAT at the Nairobi duty station.
Following the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB) “Hashimoto Action Plan” launched in Mexico in March 2006, UN-Habitat was requested to establish a global mechanism to promote Water Operators Partnerships (WOPs), not-for-profit peer support partnerships between water utilities to develop their capacity to provide quality water and sanitation services to all. The Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance was founded in 2009 to promote effective WOPs as a way of helping countries reach the water and sanitation targets of the Millennium Development Goals... Read more
UN-Habitat through the Global Land Tool Network and its partners is developing and implementing the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). STDM, as it stands, has the capacity to broaden the scope of land administration by providing a land information management framework that would integrate formal, informal and customary land systems and administrative and spatial components. STDM makes this possible through tools that facilitates recording all forms of land rights, all types of rights holders and all kinds of land and property objects/spatial units regardless of the level of formality.
The vacancy is located in the Programme Division in collaboration with the Knowledge Management Support Unit of the Management and Operations Division.
Under the Supervision of Head Knowledge Management Support Unit, and the Administration Oversight of the Programme Division; the incumbent’s responsibilities include
UN-Habitat Afghanistan signed an agreement with the Government of Australia in September 2015 and with the UK from October 2015, to support the Government of Afghanistan with the programme "Future of Afghan Cities" (FoAC). FoAC is considered 'phase two' of the successful State of Afghan Cities 2014/15 Programme which concluded in September 2015. SoAC produced a report that presented the first ever baseline assessment of all 34 Provincial Capitals in Afghanistan. An outcome is the Government is now prioritising urban development and is embarking on developing an Urban National Priority... Read more
The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. The vacancy is located in the Somalia Programme, Regional Office for Africa, UN-HABITAT.
Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor and the direct supervision of the Programme Management Officer (PMO), the Programme Assistant will provide support to the management of the Somalia... Read more
Although ethnic dimensions are paramount in land related conflicts, other factors are hampering the stabilization process in the post-conflict settings. Besides ethnic lines, Eastern DRC has been experiencing for years an opaque land management system. This leads to large land acquisitions for farming. The lack of transparency and inclusiveness in land distribution and administration system unsustainable land has contributed to land conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo in the post-conflict era. Given the insecurity in some areas and tensions between Land owners and local residents... Read more
To address climate change mitigation by cities in emerging countries, UN-Habitat and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), with the support of the European Commission (EC), implemented Project: ‘Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries’ (Urban-LEDS). The promotion and elaboration of low emission development strategies (LEDS) has emerged from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate negotiation processes as a promising approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This present Project seeks to adapt that... Read more
To address climate change mitigation by cities in emerging countries, UN-Habitat and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), with the support of the European Commission (EC), implemented Project: ‘Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries’ (Urban-LEDS). The promotion and elaboration of low emission development strategies (LEDS) has emerged from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate negotiation processes as a promising approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This present Project seeks to adapt that... Read more
UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Africa (ROAf), located in Nairobi is led by the Director and is responsible for identifying and supporting priorities of member states in collaboration with Branches/Units. ROAf consists of internationally and nationally recruited professional staff (Senior/Human Settlement Officers and National Officers) that operationalize UN-Habitat country specific activities on a day-to day basis. In Kenya, ROAf plays an important role in ensuring that respective project activities are in line with government of Kenya and UN-Habitat Country Programme Document... Read more
The Project Administrative Assistant carries out his/her functions under the direct supervision of the Director, Regional Office for Africa (ROAf). UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Africa (ROAf), located in Nairobi is led by the Director and is responsible for identifying and supporting priorities of member states in collaboration with Branches/Units. ROAf consists of internationally and nationally recruited professional staff (Senior/Human Settlement Officers and National Officers) that operationalize UN-Habitat country specific activities on a day-to day basis. In Kenya, ROAf plays an... Read more
The consultancy is located in the Evaluation Unit of UN-Habitat at the Nairobi duty station. The Unit is a central coordinating unit of evaluation activities of UN-Habitat. It has the responsibility of strengthening accountability, learning, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and impact in the implementation of programmes as well as to ensure the outcomes of evaluation have corresponding impact on strategic planning. The Unit develops policies and guidelines on evaluation; develops the biennial evaluation plan; conducts, manages and conducts evaluations; reports evaluations, maintains a... Read more