
  • Habpost - Issue 71 - January 11th, 2024

    Happy New Year!

    “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” As we take our first step into the new year, we bid farewell later this month to our Executive Director, who will be retiring from the organization after six years of service and many more miles walked. This is an occasion to reflect on the changes at UN-Habitat during the period – and our feature story does just that, in just under two pages.

    We also wrap up 2023 with a couple of takeaways from the last 30 days (ish) – information on the last meeting of our Executive Board and what happened at COP28 in Dubai in December. Just the most important stuff – mostly the positive, to balance out the fact that we’ve opened the gates to hell (we’re not just saying this, our Secretary-General is. So you know it’s legit).

    On that positive note, we’re happy to find our way back to your inboxes, and wanted to let you know that just like adapting to climate change is a necessity, we too at HabPost might soon be adapting for survival – more on that in the next issues.

    As always, we encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 70 - November 21st, 2023

    This week, we feature our upcoming engagement at COP28 and the Ministerial Meeting on Urbanization and Climate Change.

    We recap Urban October 2023 celebrations and key events held including the global observances of World Habitat Day and World Cities Day.

    And lastly, we highlight a significant milestone in the global conversation on urban-rural connectivity in the “Did You Know?” section.

    We welcome your contributions and encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 69 - September 20th, 2023

    In this issue, we preview our exciting lineup of events for Urban October 2023 and learn more about the World Habitat Day celebrations in Azerbaijan.

    We highlight our work in urban resilience and explore the roadmap to upcoming climate events this year.

    We learn more about how we promote sustainable urbanization in Asia through our partnership with the International Urban Training Centre.

    And finally, we highlight the 2023 SDG Summit in the ‘Did you know’ section.

    As always, we encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 68 - July 13th, 2023

    This week, we recap the second session of the United Nations Habitat  Assembly including its outcomes and key sessions.

    We also review our engagement in the recent 5th Global Water Operators’ Partnership Congress in Bonn.

    We learn more about the UNITAC exhibition and discover how to build urban climate resilience through UN-Habitat Learn.

    And finally, we learn more about the High-level Political Forum taking place in New York in the ‘Did you know’ section.

    As always, we encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 67 - May 31st, 2023

    In this issue, we shine the spotlight on the upcoming second session of the United Nations Habitat Assembly to be held in Nairobi, Kenya.

    We recap our engagements at the recent UN 2023 Water Conference in New York and speak to our new Deputy Executive Director to learn more about his role, motivations, and goals for the future.

    In addition, we highlight key takeaways from the recently concluded first session of the Executive Board and learn more about our work on challenge-driven innovation.

    And finally, we share some good news on the twelfth session of the World Urban Forum!

    We welcome your contributions and encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 66 - March 24th, 2023

    In this issue we celebrate International Women’s Day 2023 which shines the spotlight on the gender gap in digital access.

    We feature messages from our Executive Director and our Goodwill Ambassador for the Arab Region and celebrate three trailblazing women.

    In addition, we explore our first initiative as part of the Smart SDGs Cities project and profile our New York office where it all began!

    Lastly, we discover how to harness the value and impact of knowledge-based partnerships and learn how to stay safe in the online world.

    As always, we encourage you to share your stories at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 65 - February 24th, 2023

    This week, we highlight the growing impact of multiple crises on cities and learn more about our response to the devastating earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria.

    We celebrate the achievements of our Global Public Space Programme and delve deeper into the transformation taking place in the UN.

    Finally, we explore our SDG Cities platform and discover the importance of our work in urban-rural linkages and it’s guiding principles.

    And as usual, we welcome your contributions at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.

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  • HabPost Issue 64 - January 27th, 2023

    Wishing you a great start and a fruitful 2023!

    We kickstart the first issue of 2023 highlighting our efforts at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 in Davos and uncover our Cities Investment Facility’s approach to unlocking transformative finance.

    We profile our Regional Office for Africa, showcase a documentary by UN-Habitat Brazil and explore our efforts to mainstream human rights in digital transformation strategies.

    Finally, we uncover the New Urban Agenda Illustrated handbook in multiple languages and learn more about our new project office in Cameroon.

    As always, we encourage you to reach out to us at unhabitat-habpost@un.org to contribute your stories and share new resources.

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  • HabPost Issue 63 - December 22nd, 2022

    For our last issue of 2022, we feature a message from our Executive Director, her reflections on a productive year and her priorities for 2023.

    We showcase key highlights from the recently concluded Second Session of the Executive Board, delve deeper into our first digital transformation strategy, and discover our top publications for the year in the 'Did you know' section.

    Finally, our deepest appreciation to all our contributors and readers as we look forward to an exciting 2023!

    Wishing you all a very Happy New Year and a relaxing holiday season.

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  • HabPost Issue 62 - December 13th, 2022

    This week, we shine the spotlight on Cities and Climate Change and our engagement at COP27.

    We also feature an opinion piece by our Executive Director and profile our Regional Office for the Arab States.

    We continue our regional innovation roundtable series with perspectives from our Regional Office for Africa and celebrate our achievements in urban climate action.

    Finally, we learn about our regional training and find out more about activism against gender-based violence in the 'Did you know' section.

    As always, we encourage you to reach out to us at unhabitat-habpost@un.org to contribute your stories and share new resources for 2023.

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