


Issue Date 13 Mar 2016 Closing Date 25 Mar 2016
Grade CONSULTANT Post Duration
Duty Station Nairobi Organizational Unit Urban Planning and Design
Job Opening
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To address climate change mitigation by cities in emerging countries, UN-Habitat and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), with the support of the European Commission (EC), implemented Project: ‘Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries’ (Urban-LEDS).  The promotion and elaboration of low emission development strategies (LEDS) has emerged from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate negotiation processes as a promising approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This present Project seeks to adapt that originally national-level approach to urban areas (urban LEDS) and subsequent city-level applications. The Project further explores vertical integration, addressing climate change between different levels of government, and includes advocacy and support activities at the global level. The Project began in March 2012 and ends in March 2016 (48 months), with a total budget of €6.7 million.


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Issued on: 11 March 2016


Climate Change Planning Unit,
Urban Planning and Design Branch,


Home based


Evaluator: Promoting Low Emission Development Strategies In Emerging Economy Countries (Urban-LEDS) Project - Final Evaluation


35-40 work days over a duration of three month (March-May)


25 March 2016


To address climate change mitigation by cities in emerging countries, UN-Habitat and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), with the support of the European Commission (EC), implemented Project: ‘Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries’ (Urban-LEDS).  The promotion and elaboration of low emission development strategies (LEDS) has emerged from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate negotiation processes as a promising approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This present Project seeks to adapt that originally national-level approach to urban areas (urban LEDS) and subsequent city-level applications. The Project further explores vertical integration, addressing climate change between different levels of government, and includes advocacy and support activities at the global level. The Project began in March 2012 and ends in March 2016 (48 months), with a total budget of €6.7 million.


The overall Goal/Objective of the Urban LEDS Project is:

        • To enhance the transition to low emission urban development in emerging economy countries.
        • The Expected Accomplishment presented above can be divided into two Sub-Expected Accomplishments, which reflect city/national and global scales of action, respectively, as follows:


  • Sub-EA 1. Selected model cities adopt Urban LEDS, and share their experience with a wider group of satellite cities.
  • Sub EA 2. The promotion, recognition, recording, verification and integration of actions by cities in reducing global emissions within the global climate regime is enhanced.

The Urban-LEDS project has been implemented in four emerging economies: Brazil, India, Indonesia, and South Africa. In each of those countries there are two “model” cities that are the primary focus of attention, and four to six “satellite” cities that are following the experiences in the model cities, learning and pooling their own knowledge. Additionally experienced cities in eight European countries (Croatia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland, Portugal, and Turkey) are supporting work as technical and political resources.

The Urban-LEDS Project is supporting Model and Satellite cities´ implementation processes (Sub EA 1) through a combination of capacity building and the provision of resources, tools and guidance to assist local governments in quantifying, monitoring and mitigating their communities’ Greenhouse Gas Emissions.

Under Sub-EA 2, the Project includes normative activities in the way of climate advocacy and policy guidance, for example, through establishing South-South and North-South exchanges among Project cities, and advancing advocacy efforts for climate change mitigation in international fora.

With regards to evaluation, under the Agreement of Cooperation signed between UN-Habitat and ICLEI to execute the Urban LEDS Project, UN-Habitat responsibilities include “coordinating… evaluation for the project” (Article IV.d). Earlier the implementing partners arranged for a process-oriented Interim Evaluation of the Project, which will available to the consultant.



The primary objective of this Final Evaluation of the Urban-LEDS project is to assess the achievement of the overall Objective, the Expected Accomplishment (EA), the two sub-EAs, and the “major outputs”, per corresponding indicators found in the Description of the Action. In this way the focus of the present evaluation will be upon major outputs and results, in contrast with the interim evaluation which (as was deemed appropriate for a mid-course evaluation) was more focused on process and activities.

In particular the final evaluation will focus on documenting and assessing the adoption by participating cities of low emission development strategies, per the Expected Accomplishment and sub-EA 1. As clarified during implementation, these city-level strategies may be either stand-alone or else mainstreamed into ongoing planning processes and outputs. Also clearly identified and documented (with supporting evidence) will be city bylaws and such outcomes that act to implement broader city-level strategies and plans. At the same time the final evaluation will not neglect review of the major outputs and results from the ‘global’ sub-EA 2.

This evaluation will also seek to gather lessons, to inform possible future engagement by the EC and others in the area of cities and climate change mitigation. Depending on timing, the evaluation further aims to provide inputs to the final project report to the European Commission.

Finally, the evaluation will also consider an assessment of human rights, youth, gender and climate change-related aspects.  


The evaluation will take place over a period of 3 months, beginning in mid-March 2016 and ending in May 2016.

During that period the Consultant will undertake an intensive, primarily desk review of the project outputs, also taking into account the recent process-focused interim evaluation. As needed to obtain documentation and to more clearly establish the contribution of Urban-LEDS activities to results, the consultant may visit one Urban-LEDS country (depending on EC requirements) and may visit the main implementing partner ICLEI World Secretariat (Bonn, Germany).
The evaluation will cover the entire project period, with a specific focus on evaluating the outputs vis-à-vis the Expected Accomplishments.


To the degree possible, the evaluation will assess project performance by:

Presenting and Evaluating Achievements of the Project’s normative/global level engagement according to the overall Objective, the EA, the two sub-EAs, and the “major outputs”, as delivered via 7 Work Packages: (1) Project management and coordination; (2) Designing low emissions urban development strategies; (3) Implementing Urban LEDS; (4) Global exchange framework; (5) Urban LEDS support; (6) Global database; (7) Global climate advocacy.

Assessing the overall delivery and achievement of results, bearing in mind the indicators that correspond to EA, Sub-EAs and “major outputs” as  specified in the Description of the Action;

Identification of the successes of the Project, with a special emphasis at the city-level on adopted Urban-LEDS and related outputs which are contributing to planning and implementing low emission urban development; and major outcomes at the global level related to the contributions of cities in the context of the global climate regime.

Provide an independent evaluators rating of the performance of the project against the criteria of Effectiveness, Sustainability and Impact.


Using various tools and methodologies, the evaluator will carry out the following tasks:

1. Interview relevant Project staff within UN-Habitat, ICLEI, and the EC, and review the ToR to identify and collect all necessary background materials required for the evaluation, and discuss the approach and evaluation methodology. Prepare short inception report.

2. Carry out an initial desk review of major Urban-LEDS outputs. Review key programme documents, outputs and deliverables, and relevant UN-Habitat and ICLEI materials, including:

  • Urban LEDS Project documents and cooperation agreements with ICLEI and the European    Commission,
  • The 2012-13, 2013-14, 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 annual Narrative Reports on progress of the Urban-LEDS Project;
  • Major outputs related to all 7 Work Packages, including the “Definition of the Urban-LEDS concept” (Task 2.2); plus (when available) the draft version of the Final Public Project Report;
  • Urban LEDS Project website ( and online materials;
  • Financial evaluations/reports available to date;
  • Minutes from Project Steering Group (PSC) and Project Advisory Group (PAG) meetings
  • UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2014-19 and associated 2014-15 Work Programme.
  • Any other relevant material identified.

3. For city-level accomplishments.  To the degree possible, assemble a database of soft copies of all draft and approved city-level low emission development strategies, both stand-alone and mainstreamed, as well as implementing legislation (e.g., bylaws, budgets with low-carbon investments, and so on). Collect this documentation via: (i) review of key documents that provide the evidentiary back-up to the annual Narrative Reports (see ‘Documents’ column of Part IV of those Reports), (2) on-line, via city webpages, (3) via email, telephone and Skype correspondence with Urban-LEDS regional and country teams . As part of this task, review the status of ongoing Bus Rapid Transit support in Bogor, Indonesia (UN-Habitat Urban Basic Services Branch). As needed administer surveys of key stakeholders, including city-level practitioners and residents.

4. For city- and country-level accomplishments. If needed as a sample, visit one Urban-LEDS country, as needed to obtain needed documentation and to better understand and document the contribution of Urban-LEDS activities to results. The country will be selected by consensus amongst the external evaluator in consultation with ICLEI and UN-Habitat. 

5. For city-level accomplishments. Analyse the documentation gathered via Tasks 3 and 4, above, including to establish the contribution of the Urban-LEDS Project on such outcomes, and the degree to which those outcomes contribute to meeting the overall Objective, the EA and the sub-EAs. Also review the documentation from the perspectives of the cross-cutting issues and with respect to the evaluation questions mentioned above, and so on.

6. For global accomplishments. Review major outputs, visit ICLEI World Secretariat, and interview ICLEI and UN-Habitat colleagues, both in person and virtually. Document use to date of major outputs such as the Solutions Gateway and Pool of Experts. Interview and administer surveys to city beneficiaries, and other stakeholders as needed. As neededinterview or survey the Project Advisory Group membership.

7. Prepare draft report. The report should be concise, and a stand-alone from the Interim Evaluation, but can refer back to that earlier document as appropriate. It should be shorter than the Interim Evaluation. Every attempt should be made to minimize duplication with the earlier report and focus the present document on results.

8. In response to comments received from ICLEI and UN-Habitat, prepare draft final report. (Expect more than one iteration to arrive at the draft final report.)

9. In response to comments received from the EC, along with any additional comments from ICLEI and UN-Habitat, prepare final report.

10. Along with representatives of ICLEI and UN-Habitat, visit Brussels for final debriefing with the EC


City and global/normative level assessments of Project effectiveness. ICLEI and the UN-Habitat Project Managers will review the evaluator’s assessments.  


The final evaluation will be carried out by a senior international Consultant or consulting firm, depending on the responses to the announcement.

In consultation with ICLEI and per UN rules and regulations, the Consultant will undertake an in-depth review project outputs at city-level and other relevant level of the Urban-LEDS initiative to date. To help ensure independence and the credibility of the exercise, the Consultant will not be recruited from staff or associates of Urban LEDS implementing partners UN-Habitat and ICLEI.


The consultant will report directly to the Unit Leader of UN-Habitat’s Climate Change Planning Unit. Additionally, both ICLEI and the UN-Habitat Project Managers will meet (virtually) periodically with the evaluator to discuss progress, review draft deliverables, and so on. The UN-Habitat Evaluation Unit will provide technical support in the review of the Terms of Reference, inception report and draft reports.

9. Timeline

The final evaluation is anticipated to be finalized during the first half of May, and take no more than 30-35 work days during the 3-month period April, May and June. An indicative timeline for carrying out the above-mentioned tasks, is subject to final discussion, but may be as follows:






Initial desk review




Develop key evaluation questions




Inception Report








Carry out assessments (cities and global/normative outputs, and EAs)




Conduct interview with key Project staff/leads within UN-Habitat, ICLEI, & EC




Draft mid-term review




Final draft




Final review





Inception report:The brief inception report will serve to provide an updated timeline of activities, elaborate on the evaluation methodology as needed, and clarify any questions on the present Terms of Reference. (There will be no need to copy any materials already adequately discussed in the present Terms of Reference.)

Final evaluation (draft, draft-final and final): The draft final evaluation will be based on synthesis of findings from desk review, and partner consultations and interviews with stakeholders. The draft-final version of the final project evaluation report will be based on feedback received on the draft report. The Consultant will prepare the draft-final mid-term review. The final evaluation report will be based on feedback received on the draft-final report.




  • -Speaks and writes clearly and effectively
  • -Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately
  • -Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication
  • -Tailors language, tone, style and format to match the audience
  • -Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed


  • Works collaboratively with colleagues to achieve organizational goals
  • Solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others
  • Places team agenda before personal agenda
  • Supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not   entirely reflect own position
  • Shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings

Client Orientation:

  • Considers all those to whom services are provided to be “clients” and seeks to see things from clients’ point of view
  • Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and  respect
  • Identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions
  • Monitors ongoing developments inside and outside the clients’ environment to keep informed and anticipate problems
  • Keeps clients informed of progress or setbacks in projects
  • Meets timeline for delivery of products or services to client


  • Masters in urban planning, international development, public administration or equivalent  


  • In addition to evaluation/management experience, the Consultant will have:
  • At least 10 years of experience in urban issues and international development
  • Experience in urban climate change issues is highly preferred
  • Experience working in or with more than one developing region
  • Experience with international Organizations and/or UN agencies
  • Experience/familiarity with European Commission projects, and/or the Urban LEDS project would be      a bonus
  • Knowledge of national-level climate policies/initiatives/processes 


  • Excellent written and oral communication and presentation skills in English are essential.
  • Working knowledge of another UN language and Portuguese is helpful.


  • Demonstrable ability to innovate and initiate activities from scratch
  • Ability to work under pressure in diverse environments with minimum supervision
  • Ability to represent and articulate the organization’s philosophy at various fora
  • Demonstrable effective written communications skills including the ability to prepare reports,        proposals, policies and procedures
  • Strong networking, team work and management skills
  • Very strong analytical and interpersonal skills 


Remuneration of the international consultant will be based upon United Nations rules and regulations; rates will reflect experience. Additionally, the consultant will be compensated based upon levels of effort as indicated above. Daily Subsistence Allowance will be paid only when travelling on mission outside of the official duty station of the Consultant.

Applications should include:
•     Cover page (maximum 1 page)
•     CV in the PHP format, accessible through the INSPIRA website ( Please note, if using INSPIRA for the first time, you need to register in order to activate your account, which will allow you to log in and create a personal History Profile.
•     The PHP should be attached to the application as a PDF file.
•     Summary CV (maximum 2 pages)

Please also be advised that since April 15th 2010, applicants for consultancies must be part of the
UN-HABITAT e-Roster in order for their application to be considered. You can reach the e-Roster
through the following link:

All applications should be submitted to:
Ms. Caroline Murihia
P.O. Box 30030, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Deadline for applications: 25 March 2016
UN-HABITAT does not charge a fee at any stage of the recruitment process. If you have any questions concerning persons or  companies claiming to be recruiting on behalf of these offices and requesting the payment of a fee, please contact:

As some Urban-LEDS country teams may shut down after 31 March 2016, the consultant should endeavor to carry out this task as early in March as possible.

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