UN-Habitat Evaluation Manual, March 2018

04 Jul 2018

Dear Colleagues,


I am pleased to share with you the UN-Habitat Evaluation Manual which was approved by the UN-Habitat Senior Management Board in April 2018.  Evaluation is a very important phase in the life-cycle of any project. It serves the purposes of providing accountability for the resources used and results achieved while promoting performance improvements as well as learning. This manual is intended to bring improvements in our evaluation practice towards results oriented management and contribute to strengthening UN-Habitat’s  evaluation function.


With further reforms and transitional changes in UN-Habitat and renewed focus on demonstrating results, evaluation will increasingly be essential in emphasizing the  importance of delivering results and improving future project design and implementation.


The manual is produced by the Evaluation Unit.  It complements the existing UN-Habitat Evaluation Policy (2013) and Revised Evaluation Framework (2016),   to continue building a culture of evaluation in support of accountability, transparency and organizational learning. The manual provides useful information on evaluation and how to plan, manage, conduct and follow-up on evaluations.


Let us use the manual effectively and we are looking forward to continued constructive engagement with project managers, donors and governing bodies. on demand and use of evaluations. 

Posted on: 04 Jul 2018