UN-Habitat achieves IPSAS compliance in its financial reporting
The UN Board of Auditors (UNBOA) has issued unqualified audit opinion on UN-Habitat’s first IPSAS-compliant financial statements for the financial year 2014. The unqualified audit opinion, or clean audit opinion, means that UN-Habitat successfully implemented all IPSAS requirements.
The UN Board of Auditors (UNBOA) has issued unqualified audit opinion on UN-Habitat’s first IPSAS-compliant financial statements for the financial year 2014. The unqualified audit opinion, or clean audit opinion, means that UN-Habitat successfully implemented all IPSAS requirements.
This is another significant achievement to be proud of, following the recent implementation of UMOJA by UN-Habitat. This outcome is the culmination of more than 3 years of preparation, simulation, training and business process improvements involving many staff from country offices, regional offices and the headquarters.
This is to congratulate all UN-Habitat project administrators and assistant project administrators, all the staff of the Office of Management and all the other staff members who have worked tirelessly and professionally to implement IPSAS for a job well done. Particular thanks to Mohamed Robleh the IPSAS focal point who coordinated the effort. Sincerest appreciation and thanks also to UNON staff and management for the great support to UN-Habitat during the IPSAS implementation process. IPSAS (International Public Sector Accounting Standards) are the international best practices in financial reporting for the public sector and should lead to improved confidence and recognition among donors and other key stakeholders.
The UNBOA audit report can be found under Services - Oversight.