Mr. Filiep Decorte appointment as Deputy Director, NYO
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Filiep Decorte as Deputy Director of UN-Habitat’s New York Liaison Office (NYO). Filiep has been working in the NYO since September 2013 as a Chief Technical Advisor and focal point for humanitarian and crisis related issues.
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Filiep Decorte as Deputy Director of UN-Habitat’s New York Liaison Office (NYO). Filiep has been working in the NYO since September 2013 as a Chief Technical Advisor and focal point for humanitarian and crisis related issues.
Under the overall supervision of the Director of the New York Office, Mr. Decorte will help the office carry out its functions, including providing substantive support to inter-governmental, inter-agency processes. He will also assist in the organization of events in partnership with civil society and the international community in New York, as well support efforts in advocating and promotion of the urban agenda, and the strengthening of the position and profile of the Agency. He will continue to be the focal point for humanitarian/crisis related work in New York, including through participation in relevant coordination mechanisms on Humanitarian Affairs, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), and the United Nations Working Group on Transition(UNWGT), as well as the emerging Global Alliance for Urban Crises, developed in the run up to the Word Humanitarian Summit. In addition, he will support the efforts of the office to expand its partnerships and contribute to resource mobilisation efforts.
During his long career with UN-Habitat, Filiep has predominantly focused on urban initiatives in conflict- and crisis-affected countries, specializing in urban planning, urban displacement, land, and housing issues. He has worked for UN-Habitat for more than fifteen years in different capacities, repositioning and developing UN-Habitat's programmes in Morocco, Somalia, the occupied Palestinian territory, and Haiti and contributing his urban expertise to recent crisis responses in West Africa (ebola), Nepal, Syria and the Philippines. He also acted as coordinator for UN-Habitat’s Global Disaster Management Program at headquarters. He was trained as a civil engineer, architect, and urban and regional planner with advanced master’s degrees from the Universities of Ghent and Leuven in Belgium.
I trust you will extend to Filiep your fullest cooperation.
Yamina Djacta
New York Office, UN-HABITAT