Monthly Journal Articles on Human Settlements (July 2018)
31 Jul 2018
Article Title | Author | Subject | Journal Issue and the Circulation date |
Urban Planning and Design | |||
Urban land-use change: The role of strategic spatial planning | Anna M. Hersperger, Eduardo Oliveira, Sofia Pagliarin, Gaëtan Palka, Simona Grădinaru | Global Environmental Change, Volume 51, July 2018, Pages 32-42 | |
The influence of the spatial characteristics of urban green space on the urban heat island effect in Suzhou Industrial Park | Xiang Dong Xiao, Li Dong, Hainan Yan, Nan Yang, Yimei Xiong | Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 40, July 2018, Pages 428-439 | |
Urban data and urban design: A data mining approach to architecture education | Francesc Valls, Ernesto Redondo, David Fonseca, Ricardo Torres-Kompen, Nuria Martí | Telematics and Informatics, Volume 35, Issue 4, July 2018, Pages 1039-1052 | |
Governance arrangements, funding mechanisms and power configurations in current practices of strategic spatial plan implementation | Eduardo Oliveira, Anna M. Hersperger | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 623-633 | |
Contrasting distributions of urban green infrastructure across social and ethno-racial groups | M. Ferguson, H. E. Roberts, R. R. C. McEachan, M. Dallimer | Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 175, July 2018, Pages 136-148 | |
From resilience thinking to Resilience Planning: Lessons from practice | M. M. Sellberg, P. Ryan, S. T. Borgström, A. V. Norström, G. D. Peterson | Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 217, 1 July 2018, Pages 906-918 | |
Model-based view planning for building inspection and surveillance using voxel dilation, Medial Objects, and Random-Key Genetic Algorithm | Wei Jing, Kenji Shimada | Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 3, July 2018, Pages 337-347 | |
Urban Basic Services | |||
Datasets on factors influencing the urban environmental quality of intra-urban motor parks across density areas of Lagos metropolis | Olayinka O. Agunloye, Olabisi O. Ajakaiye, Adedotun O. Akinola, Hilary I. Okagbue, Adedeji O. Afolabi | Data in Brief, In press, uncorrected proof, Available online 3 July 2018 | |
Impacts of connected vehicles in a complex, congested urban freeway setting using multi-resolution modeling methods | Jeffrey Shelton, Jason Wagner, Swapnil Samant, Ginger Goodin, Ed Seymour | International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, In press, uncorrected proof, Available online 6 July 2018 | |
Cycling in Warsaw, Poland – Perceived enablers and barriers according to cyclists and non-cyclists | Katarzyna Iwińska, Malgorzata Blicharska, Livia Pierotti, Marko Tainio, Audrey de Nazelle | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 113, July 2018, Pages 291-301 | |
The effect of spatial resolution on outcomes from energy systems modelling of heat decarbonisation | Francisca Jalil-Vega, Adam D. Hawkes | Energy, Volume 155, 15 July 2018, Pages 339-350 | |
The Government-led initiative for LPG scale-up in Cameroon: Programme development and initial evaluation | Nigel Bruce, Rachel Anderson de Cuevas, Jessie Cooper, Bessem Enonchong, Daniel Pope | Energy for Sustainable Development, In press, corrected proof, Available online 9 July 2018 | |
A smart sewer asset information model to enable an ‘Internet of Things’ for operational wastewater management | Vikki Edmondson, Martin Cerny, Michael Lim, Barry Gledson, John Woodward | Automation in Construction, Volume 91, July 2018, Pages 193-205 | |
Transformation of the water-energy nexus in Turkey: Re-imagining hydroelectricity infrastructure | Ayşen Eren | Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 41, July 2018, Pages 22-31 | |
Financial Implications of Car Ownership and Use: a distributional analysis based on observed spatial variance considering income and domestic energy costs | T. Chatterton, J. Anable, S. Cairns, R. E. Wilson | Transport Policy, Volume 65, July 2018, Pages 30-39 | |
An analysis of efforts to scale up clean household energy for cooking around the world | Ashlinn K. Quinn, Nigel Bruce, Elisa Puzzolo, Katherine Dickinson, Joshua P. Rosenthal | Energy for Sustainable Development, In press, corrected proof, Available online 4 July 2018 | |
Economic and water dependence among regions: The case of Alto Tiete, Sao Paulo State, Brazil | Keyi Ando Ussami, Joaquim José Martins Guilhoto | EconomiA, In press, uncorrected proof, Available online 4 July 2018 | |
Finance and justice in low-carbon energy transitions | Stephen Hall, Katy E. Roelich, Mark E. Davis, Lars Holstenkamp | Applied Energy, Volume 222, 15 July 2018, Pages 772-780 | |
Evaluation of renewable energy sources in peripheral areas and renewable energy-based rural development | József Benedek, Tihamér-Tibor Sebestyén, Blanka Bartók | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 90, July 2018, Pages 516-535 | |
Potential groundwater recharge zones within New Zealand | Shailesh Kumar Singh, Malte Zeddies, Ude Shankar, George A. Griffiths | Geoscience Frontiers, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 9 July 2018 | |
Assessing the origin of bacteria in tap water and distribution system in an unchlorinated drinking water system by SourceTracker using microbial community fingerprints | Gang Liu, Ya Zhang, Ed van der Mark, Aleksandra Magic-Knezev, Gertjan Medema | Water Research, Volume 138, 1 July 2018, Pages 86-96 | |
The possibility of a water market in Brazil | Francis C. Petterini | EconomiA, Volume 19, Issue 2, May–August 2018, Pages 187-200 | |
Parcel locker systems in a car dominant city: Location, characterisation and potential impacts on city planning and consumer travel access | Ugo Lachapelle, Matthew Burke, Aiden Brotherton, Abraham Leung | Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 71, July 2018, Pages 1-14 | |
Fast charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: Today’s situation and future needs | Till Gnann, Simon Funke, Niklas Jakobsson, Patrick Plötz, Anders Bennehag | Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 62, July 2018, Pages 314-329 | |
Smarter and more connected: Future intelligent transportation system | Agachai Sumalee, Hung Wai Ho | IATSS Research, Volume 42, Issue 2, July 2018, Pages 67-71 | |
Assessing travel time reliability implications due to roadworks on private vehicles and public transport services in urban road networks | Wael Jamous, Chandra Balijepalli | Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), In press, uncorrected proof, Available online 24 July 2018 | |
Learning through collaboration in the Swedish public transport sector? Co-production through guidelines and living labs | Fredrik Pettersson, Stig Westerdahl, Joel Hansson | Research in Transportation Economics, In press, corrected proof, Available online 20 July 2018 | |
Assessing the Impacts of Dedicated Bus Lanes on Urban Traffic Congestion and Modal Split with an Agent-Based Model | Golan Ben-Dor, Eran Ben-Elia, Itzhak Benenson | Procedia Computer Science, Volume 130, 2018, Pages 824-829 | |
Toward design principles for sound e-waste governance: A research approach illustrated with the case of the Netherlands | Laura Börner, Dries L. T. Hegger | Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Volume 134, July 2018, Pages 271-281 | |
Urban Economy | |||
Payment instruments, finance and development | Thorsten Beck, Haki Pamuk, Ravindra Ramrattan, Burak R. Uras | Journal of Development Economics, Volume 133, July 2018, Pages 162-186 | |
What makes long-term investment decisions forward looking: A framework applied to the case of Amsterdam's new sea lock | W. D. Pot, A. Dewulf, G. R. Biesbroek, M. J. van der Vlist, C. J. A. M. Termeer | Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 132, July 2018, Pages 174-190 | |
Elected in a close race: Mayor’s characteristics and local public finances | Fabiana Rocha, Veronica Ines Fernandez Orellano, Karina Bugarin | EconomiA, Volume 19, Issue 2, May–August 2018, Pages 149-163 | |
Towards convergence of government financial statistics and accounting in Europe at central and local levels | Rosa Mª Dasí González, Vicente Montesinos Julve, Jose Manuel Vela Bargues | Revista de Contabilidad, Volume 21, Issue 2, July–December 2018, Pages 140-149 | |
Spatial econometric analysis of automobile and motorcycle traffic on Indonesian national roads and its socio-economic determinants: Is it local or beyond city boundaries? | Firman Permana Wandani, Maimunah Siti, Masashi Yamamoto, Yuichiro Yoshida | IATSS Research, Volume 42, Issue 2, July 2018, Pages 76-85 | |
Government spending effects in low-income countries | Wenyi Shen, Shu-Chun S. Yang, Luis-Felipe Zanna | Journal of Development Economics, Volume 133, July 2018, Pages 201-219 | |
Housing and Slum Upgrading | |||
Data on System Approach to Process of Urban Housing Construction, Renewal and Upgrading | Osawaru Faith Osahon, Amusan Lekan | Data in Brief, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 3 July 2018 | |
A prospect theory-based analysis of housing satisfaction with relocations: Field evidence from China | Jinhai Yan, Helen X. H. Bao | Cities, In press, corrected proof, Available online 7 July 2018 | |
Mat-hybrid housing: Two case studies in Terni and London | Virginia De Jorge-Huertas | Frontiers of Architectural Research, In press, corrected proof, Available online 11 July 2018 | |
Integrated measures for managing permanent housing reconstruction | Abdulquadri Ade Bilau, Emlyn Witt, Chamindi Malalgoda, Irene Lill, Dilanthi Amaratunga | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 403-410 | |
Community change and resident needs: Designing a Participatory Action Research study in Metropolitan Boston | Mariana C. Arcaya, Alina Schnake-Mahl, Andrew Binet, Shannon Simpson, Tremayne Youmans | Health & Place, Volume 52, July 2018, Pages 221-230 | |
Dataset on cost comparative analysis of different walling materials in residential buildings in a developing economy | Bukola Adejoke Adewale, Olatunde Daniel Babalola, Foluke Oladunni Jegede, Adedeji Afolabi, Chukwuma Obi | Data in Brief, In press, uncorrected proof, Available online 3 July 2018 | |
Vulnerability to fuel price increases in the UK: A household level analysis | Giulio Mattioli, Zia Wadud, Karen Lucas | Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 113, July 2018, Pages 227-242 | |
Urban Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation | |||
Pathways to raising disaster risk reduction awareness among the informal construction stakeholders: a case of Nepal | Ksenia Chmutina, Joanne Rose, Suman Dhun Shrestha, Dilip Bhatta | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 784-791 | |
The future of agriculture in the shrinking suburbs: The impact of real estate income and housing costs | Hironori Yagi, Guy Garrod | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 812-822 | |
Location and Allocation Optimization for Integrated Decisions on Post-Disaster Waste Supply Chain Management: On-site and Off-site Separation for Recyclable Materials | Chawis Boonmee, Mikiharu Arimura, Takumi Asada | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 17 July 2018 | |
Key success factors of disaster management policy: A case study of the Asian cities climate change resilience network in Hat Yai city, Thailand | Somporn Siriporananon, Parichart Visuthismajarn | Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 39, Issue 2, May–August 2018, Pages 269-276 | |
Natural disasters over France a 35 years assessment | Nicolas Boccard | Weather and Climate Extremes, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 28 July 2018 | |
The Barriers to Research and Innovation in Disaster Resilience in Higher Education Institutions in Asia | Champika Liyanage, Renuka Thakore, Dilanthi Amartunga, Amina Mustapha, Richard Haigh | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 1225-1232 | |
Community adaptation to cope with disaster related road structure failure | Akvan Gajanayake, Hessam Mohseni, Guomin Zhang, Jane Mullett, Sujeeva Setunge | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 1355-1362 | |
Funding mechanisms for disaster recovery: can we afford to build back better? | Rizalyn C. Ilumin, Andres Winston C. Oreta | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 230-237 | |
Enablers and barriers of adapting post-disaster resettlements | Pournima Sridarran, Kaushal Keraminiyage, Dilanthi Amaratunga | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 125-132 | |
A Conceptual Frame Using ‘Knowledge’ As a Lens for Deconstructing the Sendai Framework Priority 1: Understanding Disaster Risks | O. Toinpre, T. Gajendran, J. Mackee | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 181-189 | |
Empowering local governments in making cities resilient to disasters: research methodological perspectives | Chamindi Malalgoda, Dilanthi Amaratunga, Richard Haigh | Procedia Engineering, Volume 212, 2018, Pages 902-909 | |
Urban Land Legislation and Governance | |||
DATASETS ON THE CHALLENGES OF FORCED DISPLACEMENT AND COPING STRATEGIES AMONG DISPLACED WOMEN IN SELECTED INTERNALLY DISPLACED PERSONS’ (IDPs) CAMPS IN NIGERIA | Faith Osasumwen Olanrewaju, Femi Omotoso, Joshua Olaniyi Alabi | Data in Brief, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 27 July 2018 | |
Specific of agricultural land's price formation | Paata Koguashvili, Badri Ramishvili | Annals of Agrarian Science, In press, corrected proof, Available online 11 July 2018 | |
Modelled impacts of policies and climate change on land use and water quality in Austria | Martin Schönhart, Helene Trautvetter, Juraj Parajka, Alfred Paul Blaschke, Matthias Zessner | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 500-514 | |
How private are Europe’s private forests? A comparative property rights analysis | Liviu Nichiforel, Kevin Keary, Philippe Deuffic, Gerhard Weiss, Laura Bouriaud | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 535-552 | |
The ‘new’ African customary land tenure. Characteristic, features and policy implications of a new paradigm | Admos Chimhowu | Land Use Policy, In press, corrected proof, Available online 4 July 2018 | |
Future land cover change scenarios in South African grasslands – implications of altered biophysical drivers on land management | Lesley Gibson, Zahn Münch, Anthony Palmer, Sukhmani Mantel | Heliyon, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2018, Article e00693 | |
Recent transformations of land-use and land-cover dynamics across different deforestation frontiers in the Brazilian Amazon | Johannes Schielein, Jan Börner | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 81-94 | |
Identifying barriers and levers of biodiversity mainstreaming in four cases of transnational governance of land and water | Sylvia Karlsson-Vinkhuyzen, Eline Boelee, Jan Cools, Luc van Hoof, Ingrid J. Visseren-Hamakers | Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 85, July 2018, Pages 132-140 | |
Conflicts of land expropriation in China during 2006–2016: An overview and its spatio-temporal characteristics | Qiaowen Lin, Shukui Tan, Lu Zhang, Siliang Wang, Yanan Li | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 246-251 | |
Acceptance studies in the field of land use—A critical and systematic review to advance the conceptualization of acceptance and acceptability | Maria Busse, Rosemarie Siebert | Land Use Policy, Volume 76, July 2018, Pages 235-245 | |
Cross Cutting | |||
Principles for supporting city–citizen commoning for climate adaptation: From adaptation governance to sustainable transformation | Christine Wamsler, Sanne Raggers | Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 85, July 2018, Pages 81-89 | |
Sustainable development as successful technology transfer: Empowerment through teaching, learning, and using digital participatory mapping techniques in Mazvihwa, Zimbabwe | M. V. Eitzel, Emmanuel Mhike Hove, Jon Solera, Sikhangezile Madzoro, Moses Ndlovu | Development Engineering, In press, accepted manuscript, Available online 7 July 2018 | |
Discussing Nature, ‘Doing’ Nature: For an emancipatory approach to conceptualizing young people's access to outdoor green space | Nadia von Benzon | Geoforum, Volume 93, July 2018, Pages 79-86 | |
Raising the voices of Pacific Island women to inform climate adaptation policies | Elizabeth Mcleod, Seema Arora-Jonsson, Yuta J. Masuda, Mae Bruton-Adams, Laura Whitford | Marine Policy, Volume 93, July 2018, Pages 178-185 | |
Can unconditional cash transfers raise long-term living standards? Evidence from Zambia | Sudhanshu Handa, Luisa Natali, David Seidenfeld, Gelson Tembo, on behalf of the Zambia Cash Transfer Evaluation Study Team | Journal of Development Economics, Volume 133, July 2018, Pages 42-65 | |
Dynamics of gender justice, conflict and social cohesion: Analysing educational reforms in Pakistan | Naureen Durrani, Anjum Halai | International Journal of Educational Development, Volume 61, July 2018, Pages 27-39 | |
Digital entrepreneurship and field conditions for institutional change– Investigating the enabling role of cities | Andrea Geissinger, Christofer Laurell, Christian Sandström, Klas Eriksson, Rasmus Nykvist | Technological Forecasting and Social Change, In press, corrected proof, Available online 4 July 2018 | |
Assessing local climate zones in arid cities: The case of Phoenix, Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada | Chuyuan Wang, Ariane Middel, Soe W. Myint, Shai Kaplan, Jonas Lukasczyk | ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 141, July 2018, Pages 59-71 | |
Too much or too little? A short-term longitudinal study of youth's own economic resources and risk behaviour | Stephanie Plenty | Journal of Adolescence, Volume 66, July 2018, Pages 21-30 | |
Climate change, ethics and sustainability: An innovative approach | José Luis Sánchez García, Juan María Díez Sanz | Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, Volume 3, Issue 2, May–August 2018, Pages 70-75 |
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Posted on: 12 Sep 2018