Monthly Journal Articles on Human Settlements (August 2016)
14 Sep 2016
Urban Research August 2016 | |||
Article Title | Author | Subject | Journal Issue and the Circulation date |
Urban Planning and Design | |||
Heritage Planning: Adaptation of the “Old & New Approach” Towards Estblishing Conservation Areas in Metropolitan Cities | Mai A. Hawas, Mohamed A. Hawas | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 225, 14 July 2016, Pages 348-363 | |
Quality of life in cities – Empirical evidence in comparative European perspective | Dorota Węziak-Białowolska | Cities, Volume 58, October 2016, Pages 87-96 | |
Ecosystem services in urban planning: Comparative paradigms and guidelines for high quality plans | Sierra C. Woodruff, Todd K. BenDor | Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 152, August 2016, Pages 90-100 | |
Contribution of City Prosperity to Decisions on Healthy Building Design: A case study of Tehran | Negar Mohtashami, Mohammadjavad Mahdavinejad, Mohammadreza Bemanian | Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 319-331 | |
Cool city as a sustainable example of heat island management case study of the coolest city in the world | Reeman Mohammed Rehan | HBRC Journal, Volume 12, Issue 2, August 2016, Pages 191-204 | |
Financial incentives: Possible options for sustainable rangeland management? | Mounir Louhaichi, Yigezu A. Yigezu, Jutta Werner, Lojoo Dashtseren, Tamer El-Shater, Mohamed Ahmed | Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 180, 15 September 2016, Pages 493-503 | |
Modelling the future impacts of climate and land-use change on suspended sediment transport in the River Thames (UK) | Gianbattista Bussi, Simon J. Dadson, Christel Prudhomme, Paul G. Whitehead | Journal of Hydrology, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 4 September 2016 | |
A new tool to map the major worldviews in the Netherlands and USA, and explore how they relate to climatechange | Annick De Witt, Joop de Boer, Nicholas Hedlund, Patricia Osseweijer | Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 63, September 2016, Pages 101-112 | |
Urban Basic Services | |||
Corrigendum to “Catalyzing sustainable urban transformations towards smarter, healthier cities through urban ecological infrastructure, regenerative development, eco towns and regional prosperity” [J. Clean. Prod. 122 (2016) 2–4] | Xiaoling Zhang, Dominique Hes, Yuzhe Wu, Wim Hafkamp, Weisheng Lu, Bogachan Bayulken, Hans Schnitzer, Feng Li | Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 131, 10 September 2016, Page 155 | |
Urban food consumption and associated water resources: The example of Dutch cities | D. Vanham, T.N. Mak, B.M. Gawlik | Science of The Total Environment, Volume 565, 15 September 2016, Pages 232-239 | |
Learning from Sustained Success: How Community-Driven Initiatives to Improve Urban Sanitation Can Meet the Challenges | Gordon McGranahan, Diana Mitlin | World Development, Volume 87, November 2016, Pages 307-317 | |
Noise Control Plans in Cities – Selected Issues and Necessary Changes in Approach to Measures and Methods of Protection | Janusz Bohatkiewicz | Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 14, 2016, Pages 2744-2753 | |
Online Performance Assessment System for Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Services in India | Vavaliya Jaladhi, Bhavsar Dhruv, Kavadi Utkarsha, Mohammad Mahroof | Aquatic Procedia, Volume 6, August 2016, Pages 51-63 | |
End-user centred infrastructure operation: towards integrated end-use service delivery | Christof Knoeri, Julia K. Steinberger, Katy Roelich | Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 132, 20 September 2016, Pages 229-239 | |
Income-enabling, Not Consumptive: Association of Household Socio-economic Conditions with Safe Water and Sanitation | Lesley Pories | Aquatic Procedia, Volume 6, August 2016, Pages 74-86 | |
Crime in relation to urban design. Case study: The Greater Cairo Region | Heba Adel, Mohamed Salheen, Randa A. Mahmoud | Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Volume 7, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 925-938 | |
Urban Economy | |||
Non-slowing economic growth rate of inflation (NSEGRI): regression modelling | Nina P. Goridko, Robert M. Nizhegorodtsev | IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 283-288 | |
Can the Green Economy deliver it all? Experiences of renewable energy policies with socio-economic objectives | Michael Pahle, Shonali Pachauri, Karoline Steinbacher | Applied Energy, Volume 179, 1 October 2016, Pages 1331-1341 | |
Settlement scaling and economic change in the Central Andes | Scott G. Ortman, Kaitlyn E. Davis, José Lobo, Michael E. Smith, Luis M.A. Bettencourt, Aaron Trumbo | Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 73, September 2016, Pages 94-106 | |
Institutional Adaptability in China: Local Developmental Models Under Changing Economic Conditions | Xiaoxiao Shen, Kellee S. Tsai | World Development, Volume 87, November 2016, Pages 107-127 | |
Defense, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in China | Melike Bildirici | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 38, 2016, Pages 257-263 | |
Whether Development Indices Affect Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis | Suat Teker, Ayşegül Güner | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 38, 2016, Pages 340-346 | |
Woody Biomass Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa | Melike Bildirici, Fulya Özaksoy | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 38, 2016, Pages 287-293 | |
Decoupling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Economic Growth in V4 Countries | Roman Vavrek, Jana Chovancova | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 39, 2016, Pages 526-533 | |
Economic Growth and Input Use Efficiency in Low, Upper -Middle and High Incomed Countries (1991-2011): A Data Envelopment Analysis | Ertugrul Deliktas, Gülçin Gürel Günal | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 38, 2016, Pages 308-317 | |
Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application: Illustrated for South Africa | B. Batidzirai, M. Valk, B. Wicke, M. Junginger, V. Daioglou, W. Euler, A.P.C. Faaij | Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 92, September 2016, Pages 106-129 | |
Modeling the interaction between flooding events and economic growth | Johanna Grames, Alexia Prskawetz, Dieter Grass, Alberto Viglione, Günter Blöschl | Ecological Economics, Volume 129, September 2016, Pages 193-209 | |
Spatialising the Melanesian Canarium industry: Understanding economic upgrading in an emerging industry among three Pacific small island states | J. Carter, E.F. Smith | Geoforum, Volume 75, October 2016, Pages 40-51 | |
Housing and Slum Upgrading | |||
Assessment of social sustainable development in urban India by a composite index | Sudha Panda, Manjari Chakraborty, S.K. Misra | International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment, In Press, Uncorrected Proof, Available online 31 August 2016 | |
Habitat Design: New Directives | Asif R. Khan | Procedia Technology, Volume 24, 2016, Pages 1774-1781 | |
Household wealth, residential status and the incidence of diarrhoea among children under-five years in Ghana | Akwasi Kumi-Kyereme, Joshua Amo-Adjei | ournal of Epidemiology and Global Health, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 131-140 | |
Sustainable Temporary Housing: Global Trends and Outlook | Daniel V. Perrucci, Bianca A. Vazquez, Can B. Aktas | Procedia Engineering, Volume 145, 2016, Pages 327-332 | |
Privacy at home: Analysis of behavioral patterns in the spatial configuration of traditional and modern housesin the city of Hamedan based on the notion of space syntax | Saeid Alitajer, Ghazaleh Molavi Nojoumi | Frontiers of Architectural Research, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2016, Pages 341-352 | |
Urban Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation | |||
Inter-agency collaboration for fire disaster management in Nairobi City | Alice A. Menya, O.A. K’Akumu | Journal of Urban Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 2 September 2016 | |
The Challenges of Disaster Governance in an Indonesian Multi-hazards City: A Case of Semarang, Central Java | Artiningsih, Jawoto Sih Setyono, Rizki Kirana Yuniartanti | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 227, 14 July 2016, Pages 347-353 | |
A Multiple Objective Mathematical Program to Determine Locations of Disaster Response Distribution Centers | Hafize Yilmaz, Özgür Kabak | IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016, Pages 520-525 | |
Key Lessons and Guidelines for Post-Disaster Permanent Housing Provision in Kelantan, Malaysia | Ruhizal Roosli, Andrew E. Collins | Procedia Engineering, Volume 145, 2016, Pages 1209-1217 | |
Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami evacuation and disaster relief planning in the U.S. Pacific Northwest | Nathan Wood, Jeanne Jones, Mathew Schmidtlein, John Schelling, Tim Frazier | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 18, September 2016, Pages 41-55 | |
Development of a Typhoon Search and Prediction System for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Action Plans Based on Typhoon Course Analysis | Kohji Tanaka, Eisaku Yura, Masatoshi Sasaki, Takuya Shirahase, Akio Shimokawa, Sho Kato | Procedia Engineering, Volume 154, 2016, Pages 1258-1266 | |
Analysis and Evaluation of Flash Flood Disasters: A Case of Lingbao County of Henan Province in China | Qiuling Yao, Jiabi Xie, Liang Guo, Xiaolei Zhang, Ronghua Liu | Procedia Engineering, Volume 154, 2016, Pages 835-843 | |
Pedestrian flow-path modeling to support tsunami evacuation and disaster relief planning in the U.S. Pacific Northwest | Nathan Wood, Jeanne Jones, Mathew Schmidtlein, John Schelling, Tim Frazier | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 18, September 2016, Pages 41-55 | |
Development of a Typhoon Search and Prediction System for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Action Plans Based on Typhoon Course Analysis | Kohji Tanaka, Eisaku Yura, Masatoshi Sasaki, Takuya Shirahase, Akio Shimokawa, Sho Kato | Procedia Engineering, Volume 154, 2016, Pages 1258-1266 | |
Urban Land Legislation and Governance | |||
Land City District Zoning Areas for the Development and Use of the Unified Management and Operation of theHousing Stock | A.N. Afanasyeva, A.A. Guseinova | Procedia Engineering, Volume 150, 2016, Pages 1941-1947 | |
Exploring Land Use Scenarios in Metropolitan Areas: Food Balance in a Local Agricultural System by Using a Multi-objective Optimization Model | Guido Sali, Federica Monaco, Chiara Mazzocchi, Stefano Corsi | Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, Volume 8, 2016, Pages 211-221 | |
Land tenure reforms, tenure security and food security in poor agrarian economies: Causal linkages and research gaps | Stein T. Holden, Hosaena Ghebru | Global Food Security, Volume 10, September 2016, Pages 21-28 | |
The roles of land tenure reforms and land markets in the context of population growth and land use intensification in Africa | Stein T. Holden, Keijiro Otsuka | Food Policy, Volume 48, October 2014, Pages 88-97 | |
Mapping properties to monitor forests: Landholder response to a large environmental registration program in the Brazilian Amazon | Jessica L’Roe, Lisa Rausch, Jacob Munger, Holly K. Gibbs | Land Use Policy, Volume 57, 30 November 2016, Pages 193-203 | |
Peri-urban Areas and Land Use Structure in Romania at LAU2 Level: An Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis | Cristina Lincaru, Draga Atanasiu, Vasilica Ciucă, Speranţa Pirciog | Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 32, 2016, Pages 124-137 | |
A survey exploring private farm advisor perspectives of agri-environment schemes: The case of England’s Environmental Stewardship programme | A.P. Hejnowicz, M.A. Rudd, P.C.L. White | Land Use Policy, Volume 55, September 2016, Pages 240-256 | |
Introduction | Jennifer Helgeson, Ilan Chabay, Martin Frick | Land Restoration, 2016, Pages xxiii-xxvi | |
Gender | |||
Women and Accidents: The Need to Separate Gender Database | Fernanda Cruz Rios, Wai K. Chong, David Grau | Procedia Engineering, Volume 145, 2016, Pages 662-669 |
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Posted on: 14 Sep 2016