Monthly Journal Articles on Human Settlements (April 2016)
30 Apr 2016
Urban Research - April 2016 | |||
Article Title | Author | Subject | Journal Issue and the Circulation date |
Urban Planning and Design | |||
The Relationship between Habitat Loss and Fragmentation during Urbanization: An Empirical Evaluation from 16 World Cities. | Liu, Zhifeng; He, Chunyang; Wu, Jianguo | . PLoS ONE. 4/28/2016, Vol. 11 Issue 4, p1-17. 17p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0154613 | |
Willingness to Pay for Climate Change Mitigation: Evidence from China. | Yujie Li; Xiaoyi Mu; Schiller, Anita; Baowei Zheng | Energy Journal. 2016 Special Issue, Vol. 37, p179-194. 16p. DOI: 10.5547/01956574.37.SI1.yli | |
Can water sensitive urban design systems help to preserve natural channel-forming flow regimes in an urbanised catchment? | Wella-Hewage, Chathurika Subhashini; Hewa, Guna Alankarage; Pezzaniti, David | Water Science & Technology. 2016, Vol. 73 Issue 1, p78-87. 10p. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2015.464 | |
Planning and Design Elements for Transit Oriented Developments/Smart Cities: Examples of Cultural Borrowings | John Black, Kam Tara, Parisa Pakzad | Procedia Engineering, Volume 142, 2016, Pages 2-9 | |
Planning urban megaprojects in the Gulf: The international consultancy firms in urban planning between global and contingent | Oula Aoun, Jacques Teller | Frontiers of Architectural Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 1 April 2016 | |
Urban underground space: Solving the problems of today’s cities | Wout Broere | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 245-248 | |
Why underground space should be included in urban planning policy – And how this will enhance an urban underground future | Han Admiraal, Antonia Cornaro | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 214-220 | |
Advances in master planning of urban underground space (UUS) in China | Jing-Wei Zhao, Fang-Le Peng, Tian-Qing Wang, Xiao-Yun Zhang, Bing-Nan Jiang | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 290-307 | |
Multiple resources and their sustainable development in Urban Underground Space | XiaoZhao Li, Congcong Li, Aurèle Parriaux, Wenbo Wu, HuanQing Li, Liping Sun, Chao Liu | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 59-66 | |
Underground spatial planning – Perspectives and current research in Germany | Sebastian Bartel, Gerold Janssen | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 112-117 | |
Urban underground space: A growing imperative: Perspectives and current research in planning and design for underground space use | Nikolai Bobylev, Ray Sterling | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 1-4 | |
Urban Landscape Quality Index – Planning Tool for Evaluating Urban Landscapes and Improving the Quality of Life | Athanasios Alexandru Gavrilidis, Cristiana Maria Ciocănea, Mihai Răzvan Niţă, Diana Andreea Onose, Irina Iulia Năstase | Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 32, 2016, Pages 155-167 | |
Urban Basic Services | |||
Principles and criteria for assessing urban energy resilience: A literature review | Ayyoob Sharifi, Yoshiki Yamagata | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 60, July 2016, Pages 1654-1677 | |
Effects of unit-based pricing on household waste collection demand: A meta-regression analysis | Germà Bel, Raymond Gradus | Resource and Energy Economics, Volume 44, May 2016, Pages 169-182 | |
A Framework for Eco-efficiency of C&D Waste Management | Hongping Yuan, Ziyou Huang, Pengpeng Xu | Procedia Environmental Sciences, Volume 31, 2016, Pages 855-859 | |
Combined material flow analysis and life cycle assessment as a support tool for solid waste management decision making | David A. Turner, Ian D. Williams, Simon Kemp | Journal of Cleaner Production, In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 26 April 2016 | |
A Survey on Household Solid Waste Management (SWM) with Special Reference to a Peri-urban Area (Kottawa) in Colombo | W.A.A.I. Warunasinghe, P.I. Yapa | Procedia Food Science, Volume 6, 2016, Pages 257-260 | |
Analysis of Urban Road Traffic Network Based on Complex Network | Zhao Tian, Limin Jia, Honghui Dong, Fei Su, Zundong Zhang | Procedia Engineering, Volume 137, 2016, Pages 537-546 | |
Where are urban energy transitions governed? Conceptualizing the complex governance arrangements for low-carbon mobility in Europe | Håvard Haarstad | Cities, Volume 54, May 2016, Pages 4-10 | |
Do people live in urban neighbourhoods because they do not like to travel? Analysing an alternative residential self-selection hypothesis | Jonas De Vos, Frank Witlox | Travel Behaviour and Society, Volume 4, May 2016, Pages 29-39 | |
Optimization of Urban Single-line Metro Timetable for Total Passenger Travel Time under Dynamic Passenger Demand | Pan Shang, Ruimin Li, Liya Yang | Procedia Engineering, Volume 137, 2016, Pages 151-160 | |
Urban Economy | |||
Gender, context and competition: Experimental evidence from rural and urban Uganda | Kjetil Bjorvatn, Ranveig Falch, Ulrikke Hernæs | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 61, April 2016, Pages 31-37 | |
Catalyzing sustainable urban transformations towards smarter, healthier cities through urban ecological infrastructure, regenerative development, eco towns and regional prosperity | Xiaoling Zhang, Dominique Hes, Yuzhe Wu, Wim Hafkamp, Weisheng Lu, Bogachan Bayulken, Hans Schnitzer, Feng Li | Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 122, 20 May 2016, Pages 2-4 | |
Environmental, economic, and social impacts of feed-in tariffs: A Portuguese perspective 2000–2010 | Paul Behrens, João F.D. Rodrigues, Tiago Brás, Carlos Silva | Applied Energy, Volume 173, 1 July 2016, Pages 309-319 | |
Green Growth and Corporate Sustainability Performance | Nurul Awatif Ahmad Saufi, Salina Daud, Hasmaizan Hassan | Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 35, 2016, Pages 374-378 | |
Organic Farming and Sustainability in Food Choices: An Analysis of Consumer Preference in Southern Italy | Azzurra Annunziata, Riccardo Vecchio | Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia, Volume 8, 2016, Pages 193-200 | |
An integrated strategy for sustainable development of the urban underground: From strategic, economic and societal aspects | Huanqing Li, Xiaozhao Li, Chee Kiong Soh | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Volume 55, May 2016, Pages 67-82 | |
The input-state-output model and related indicators to investigate the relationships among environment, society and economy. | Bastianoni, Simone; Coscieme, Luca; Pulselli, Federico M | Ecological Modelling. Apr2016, Vol. 325, p84-88. 5p. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.10.015. | |
The impact of CO emissions on economic growth: evidence from selected higher CO emissions economies. | Azam, Muhammad; Khan, Abdul; Abdullah, Hussin; Qureshi, Muhammad | Environmental Science & Pollution Research. Apr2016, Vol. 23 Issue 7, p6376-6389. 14p. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5817-4. | |
Housing and Slum Upgrading | |||
Transitioning to safer streets through an integrated and inclusive design | Kenji Doi, Takanori Sunagawa, Hiroto Inoi, Kento Yoh | IATSS Research, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 5 April 2016 | |
Rethinking Indonesia’s Informal Sector | Alexander D. Rothenberg, Arya Gaduh, Nicholas E. Burger, Charina Chazali, Indrasari Tjandraningsih, Rini Radikun, Cole Sutera, Sarah Weilant | World Development, Volume 80, April 2016, Pages 96-113 | |
Rural livelihood diversification and household well-being: Insights from Humla, Nepal | Yograj Gautam, Peter Andersen | Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 44, April 2016, Pages 239-249 | |
Life in informal cities. | GUPTO, SORIT | Down to Earth. 4/16/2016, Vol. 24 Issue 23, p52-54. 3p. | |
Formation of the Feasibility of Housing Projects in Vietnam Incorporating the Physical and Social Factors | Tran Van Khai | Procedia Engineering, Volume 142, 2016, Pages 342-348 | |
The Effect of Downzoning for Managing Residential Development and Density. | Newburn, David A.; Ferris, Jeffrey S | Land Economics. May2016, Vol. 92 Issue 2, p220-236. 17p. | |
Streamlining urban housing development: Are there environmental sustainability impacts? | Nick Preval, Edward Randal, Ralph Chapman, Jonathan Moores, Philippa Howden-Chapman | Cities, Volume 55, June 2016, Pages 101-112 | |
Functional mobility and its contributing factors for older adults in different cities in Taiwan | Sang-I. Lin, Hsuei-Chen Lee, Ku-Chou Chang, Yi-Ching Yang, Jau-Yih Tsauo | Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 April 2016 | |
Towards Habitat III: Confronting the disjuncture between global policy and local practice on Africa's ‘challenge of slums’ | Sylvia Croese, Liza Rose Cirolia, Nick Graham | Habitat International, Volume 53, April 2016, Pages 237-242 | |
Urban Risk Reduction and Rehabilitation | |||
Thematic Section 1: Mitigation Framework | Tanveer Islam, Jeffrey Ryan | Hazard Mitigation in Emergency Management, 2016, Pages 1-3 | |
Experience in training in emergencies, División de Proyectos Especiales en Salud, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social | Felipe Cruz-Vega, Jorge Loría-Castellanos, Irma Patricia Hernández-Olivas, Rubén Franco-Bey, César Ochoa-Avila, Victoria Sánchez-Badillo | Cirugía y Cirujanos (English Edition), Volume 84, Issue 2, March–April 2016, Pages 127-134 | |
A collaborative (web-GIS) framework based on empirical data collected from three case studies in Europe for risk management of hydro-meteorological hazards | Zar Chi Aye, Teresa Sprague, Vivian Juliette Cortes, Kathrin Prenger-Berninghoff, Michel Jaboyedoff, Marc-Henri Derron | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 15, March 2016, Pages 10-23 | |
Are two earthquakes better than one? How earthquakes in two different regions affect risk judgments and preparation in three locations | John McClure, Liv Henrich, David Johnston, Emma E.H. Doyle | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 16, June 2016, Pages 192-199 | |
Integrating Climate Change Resilience Into HUD's Disaster Recovery Program | Gundlach, Justin; Jones, Channing | Environmental Law Reporter: News & Analysis. Apr2016, Vol. 46 Issue 4, p10282-10290. 9p. | |
FLOOD VULNERABILITY: IMPENDING DANGER IN SABON-GARI MINNA, NIGER STATE, NIGERIA. | ADELEYE, B. M.; AYANGBILE, O. A | Ethiopian Journal of Environmental Studies & Management. 2016, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p35-44. 10p. DOI: 10.4314/ejesm.v9i1.4. | |
Review article: A review and critical analysis of the efforts towards urban flood risk management in the Lagos region of Nigeria | Nkwunonwo, U. C.; Whitworth, M.; Baily, B. | Natural Hazards & Earth System Sciences. 2016, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p349-369. 21p. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-16-349-2016 | |
Urban Land Legislation and Governance | |||
Governing cities reflexively—The biocultural diversity concept as an alternative to ecosystem services | Marleen Buizer, Birgit Elands, Kati Vierikko | Environmental Science & Policy, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 March 2016 | |
Cities and climate change mitigation: Economic opportunities and governance challenges in Asia | Andy Gouldson, Sarah Colenbrander, Andrew Sudmant, Effie Papargyropoulou, Niall Kerr, Faye McAnulla, Stephen Hall | Cities, Volume 54, May 2016, Pages 11-19 | |
Comparison to Supervised Classification Modelling in Land Use Cover Using Landsat 8 OLI Data: An Example in Miyun County of North China. | Wenfeng Gong; Li Yuan; Wenyi Fan; Xiaofeng Wang; Philip Stott | Nature Environment & Pollution Technology. Mar2016, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p243-248. 6p. | |
An Integer Programming Model to Determine Land Use Trajectories for Optimizing Regionally Integrated Ecosystem Services Delivery. | Estrella, René; Cattrysse, Dirk; Van Orshoven, Jos. | Forests (19994907). 2016, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p1-26. 26p. DOI: 10.3390/f7020033. | |
Effect of land use changes on water run-off from a small catchment in the Czech Republic. | Ondr, Pavel; Pečenka, Jiří; Polenský, Jakub; Ciml, Jiří | Ekologia (Bratislava) / Ecology (Bratislava). Mar2016, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p78-89. 12p. DOI: 10.1515/eko-2016-0006. | |
Land Use Regulations and Regional Economic Development. | Burnett, Perry | Land Economics. May2016, Vol. 92 Issue 2, p237-255. 19p |
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Posted on: 15 Sep 2016