Message to staff at HQ.: Review of recruitment business processes
The timeline for the recruitment of - especially professional - staff has been identified as an area that would benefit from a review in order to improve substantially the time it takes to bring individuals on board. The introduction of the new ERP system in the UN Secretariat that will change the way program support, and the decision by the USGs to create the Nairobi Global Transactions Groups, provides a unique opportunity to do this. Managers will recall my briefing in the retreat in this respect.
Dear Colleagues,
The timeline for the recruitment of - especially professional - staff has been identified as an area that would benefit from a review in order to improve substantially the time it takes to bring individuals on board. The introduction of the new ERP system in the UN Secretariat that will change the way program support, and the decision by the USGs to create the Nairobi Global Transactions Groups, provides a unique opportunity to do this. Managers will recall my briefing in the retreat in this respect.
Mr.Joerg Weich, who has returned to UNON after serving for three years as Director/HR with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, has been designated to coordinate this review with the three organisations concerned.
In support of this exercise he wishes to establish a small working group with 2 members each from UNEP, UNHABITAT and UNON who are users of UNON 's recruitment services. The working group will look at what can be changed at the own Office level, what can be changed at UNON, what can be changed in terms of process and what could go on a "wish- list" and agree on its TOR and make recommendations to the executive heads.
The review process is scheduled to be concluded by the end of March. I would appreciate if interested staff could let me know whether they are willing to participate in the working group and to commit to the review. I am interested in D, P and G nominations! Please let me have your expressions of interest by the end of the week, but do discuss first with your line manager.
With best regards
Andrew Cox
Management and Operations Division
Office: +254 (0)20 762 23218
Mobile: +254 706 044 030
US/Roaming: +1 917 622 2989