JIU review “Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Response in the United Nations system”
The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System (JIU) is conducting a survey as part of a review on “Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Response in the United Nations system”.The JIU review covers such issues as anti-fraud governance frameworks, fraud risk assessments, prevention and detection controls and mitigation mechanisms, fraud awareness programmes, sanctions related to fraud, and resources dedicated to anti-fraud measures
Instructions for All- Staff Survey
The Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System (JIU) is conducting a survey as part of a review on “Fraud Prevention, Detection, and Response in the United Nations system”.
The JIU review covers such issues as anti-fraud governance frameworks, fraud risk assessments, prevention and detection controls and mitigation mechanisms, fraud awareness programmes, sanctions related to fraud, and resources dedicated to anti-fraud measures. It will also examine good practices of UN system organizations and address issues of coherence of anti-fraud policies and procedures across the system.
This survey is seeking your perception as staff members of United Nations system organizations on fraud-related issues. The survey should only take about 15 minutes of your time.
We kindly ask you to respond to the survey before 07 October 2015.
Please note that your survey responses will be strictly confidential. No individual responses will be reported. In the final report, JIU may report only statistical summaries of organizational data and will tabulate all survey results in order to assure the confidentiality of individual respondents.
We appreciate your kind cooperation in completing the survey.
Please click on the following link to enter the survey:
Best regards
Andrew Cox
Chief, Office of the Executive Director
Office: +254 (0)20 762 23218
Mobile: +254 706 044 030