HabPost Issue 53 - June 09th, 2022
This week, HabPost goes to Katowice to explore the exciting activities planned for the eleventh session of the World Urban Forum (WUF 11).
WUF 11 will feature opening and closing sessions, dialogues, roundtables, and a series of partner-driven events - SDGs in Action, One-UN, Voices from Cities, Networking Events, Training Events, Urban Cinema and Urban Library. Read about these in our feature story, which includes resources and links to detailed events you might find useful.
We continue with our series of information bites on innovation.
In this issue, we highlight the key takeaways from the Innovation Unit’s inaugural global webinar,
where urban experts shared their reflections on the transformative innovations that change how we look at sustainable urbanisation.
As usual, we look forward to hearing more from you on your activities and shared contributions in the coming weeks at unhabitat-habpost@un.org.