Have you completed your end-of-cycle review?
Now that we have reached the end of the 2014-2015 performance cycle, although it is Òthat time of yearÓ again, staff should also be cognizant that appraisal time is only one part of performance management.
e-Performance is part of an annual process that enables us to align our goals with UN mandates, develop our skills, and also to demonstrate to staff that they are valued. ÊIt is a significant motivational tool to know that your work forms an important contribution to the broader strategic objectives of the Organization.
According to theÊPerformance Management PolicyÊ(ST/AI/2010/5) staff members are required to complete an annual performance appraisal in e-Performance, the performance management component of Inspira.
At this stage in the cycle, staff members need to complete their self-evaluation and forward these to managers for the end-of-cycle reviews. The deadline for completion isÊ30 June 2015.
The end-of-cycle assessment represents much more than completing e-Performance files Ñ its core purpose is the dialogue between you and your manager, in an environment of trust and openness that you have worked together to build throughout the year. You and your manager each have a role to play in the discussions at the end of the performance cycle. ÊAn effective manager is not too busy for a performance dialogue!
As a Staff Member you should:
Log into Inspira and review your goals
Be sufficiently prepared for the appraisal meeting
Be open to receiving feedback
Review the evidence that illustrates the extent to which you have achieved your goals as agreed in the work-planning phase.
Discuss competencies that you have developed or demonstrated particularly well
As a manager you should:
Encourage your staff members to do a self-evaluation
Make a list of achievements and any areas for development. ÊFeedback should be given in a manner that will best help improve performance. ÊFeedback is most effective when concrete examples are used: it is particularly powerful to reinforce what the staff member did right and identify what needs to be done in the future.
Invite your supervisee to a meaningful face-to-face meeting
At the meeting recognize the good work done and if needed highlight any areas of development.
Ask about learning and development aspirations and offer support.
After the meeting log into Inspira and submit your evaluation to the Second Reporting Officer.
For more information and to see the step-by-step guide, please visitÊhttps://hr.un.org/page/performing-results
Deborah Ernst, Acting Chief
Human Resources Management Service
United Nations Office at Nairobi