Donor Information System

10 Jul 2018

The Senior Management Board endorsed UN-Habitat’s resource mobilization strategy for 2018-2019 on 4 July 2018 and agreed on the launch of the organization’s Donor Information System (DIS) at to support coordinated resource mobilization by providing consistent information on donors to guide decentralised efforts and supporting close monitoring of contribution grants

The main features of the system are:

  1. management dashboard on the status of income and contribution grants by donor, cost centre and year
  2. donor profiles of 635 development partners with contribution history and projects supported, and for key donors, current priorities
  3. funding proposals repository - major updates of the proposals will be carried out in the next two weeks
  4. funding opportunities on UN-Habitat’s themes mainly from the Devex platform which contains thousands of calls for proposals
  5. training resources and current reports on specific donors to help you fundraise better


The login and password for the DIS is the same as that for the PAAS system.  For more information, training or support, please contact Maureen Ng’Ang’A  at ext. 24525 or email

You can access the site at "Quicklinks" on Habnet

Posted on: 10 Jul 2018