CFP No. 2-2023 - "Provision of technical services (to prioritize infrastructure works including water, sewerage, and Solid Waste Management) in Aleppo and Jableh Syria" - UN-Habitat- Syria Programme.
17 Nov 2023
The project “Provision of Technical Services (to prioritize infrastructure works including water, sewerage, and solid waste management) in Aleppo and Jableh Syria.”. this project is part of the Integrated Post-Earthquake and Early Recovery Project that was initiated by the UN-Habitat after the destructive earthquake that hit the country in February 2023, and aims to prioritize infrastructure works including water, sewerage, and solid waste management in Aleppo and Jableh, Syria.
The project is part of the integrated activities and will participate in the recovery of the most affected areas as part of the integrated approach that will be implemented by the UN-Habitat-Syria program
Posted on: 17 Nov 2023