2015 Ethics and Leadership Dialogue

01 Nov 2015

As part of the United Nations Ethics Office Leadership Dialogue series, all staff members of the United Nations Secretariat (UN-Habitat staff included) are required to take part in the 2015 Leadership Dialogue similar to the one held last year on the topic "Treating Each Other with Respect and Tolerance at the work place". 

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the United Nations Ethics Office Leadership Dialogue series, all staff members of the United Nations Secretariat (UN-Habitat staff included) are required to take part in the 2015 Leadership Dialogue similar to the one held last year on the topic "Treating Each Other with Respect and Tolerance at the work place". This year's session, entitled "Fulfilling our Mission: Taking Individual Responsibility", will be a one hour session and will be undertaken in the following order:

  1. The Executive Director will launch the dialogue with his direct reports (Senior Managers) on Thursday, 5 November 2015 at 3.00 PM (Nairobi time);
  2. Thereafter, the Deputy Executive Director will launch the dialogue with her direct reports;
  3. Directors and P-5 level staff members will then host dialogue sessions with their direct reports;
  4. P-4 level staff members who manage teams will host dialogue sessions with their direct reports, if their direct reports were not already included in the Director/P-5 led discussions;. And so on; and
  5. Ultimately, all UN-Habitat staff globally will be part of a Leadership Dialogue session which are expected to be completed by 30 December 2015;

All heads of Offices/branches/Divisions will be asked to certify  that all their direct reports have completed their dialogue sessions. The Legal Office can assist in facilitating these sessions and provide the necessary guidance. A final report on participation will be sent to the Ethics Office upon completion of all sessions.

Attached is a memorandum from the Chef de Cabinet regarding the launch of the 2015 Leadership Dialogue.

To facilitate this programme, please also find attached a copy of the 2015 Leadership Dialogue manual, as well as relevant FAQs. The FAQs are provided in both French and English.

Resources for the programme may also be found on the UN Ethics Office website:
http://www.un.org/fr/ethics/leadership_dialogue.shtml (French)
http://www.un.org/en/ethics/leadership_dialogue.shtml (English)

Should you require any additional information or guidance concerning the 2015 United Nations Leadership Dialogue, please feel free to contact the Legal Office.  

  2015 Leadership Dialogue Guide

Best regards,
Saidou A. N'dow
Legal Officer, Legal Unit | United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) | P.O. Box 30030 | Nairobi 00100, Kenya NOF block 3, 3rd Fl., North Wing | UN Avenue, Gigiri | Tel: + 254 20 762 6732 | Mobile: + 254 0737 135 723 | www.unhabitat.org

Posted on: 01 Nov 2015